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28 2012-12

Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources held the province's land and resources information security training course

    In order to accelerate the province's land resources information security level protection work,Establish and improve information security mechanisms,Improve land and resources information security technology and management personnel business level,To ensure the success of the Party's 18th National Congress,July 11, 2012,Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources Information Center and Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department network police...

28 2012-12

Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Information security level protection work conference and training course was successfully held

    To further promote the work of information security level protection in Shaanxi Province,Effectively improve the ability of network security departments of municipal public security organs to carry out graded protection work,15 to 18 May 2012,The provincial Public Security Department network security Corps held the Shaanxi Provincial public security organs information security level protection work conference and training course in Zhashui County, Shangluo City...

28 2012-12

The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration earnestly implements the hierarchical information security protection system

    The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration earnestly implements and implements the requirements and deployment of the State on the level protection of information security, and vigorously promotes the construction of an industry information security guarantee system with security strategy as the core and management system, technical system and operation and maintenance system as the common support。Adhere to the synchronization of information security technology and management, system and teaching...

21 2012-09

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